A very warm welcome on Gediminas’ website!

I am an investor in Equity Markets and an Angel Investor at the local start-up community LitBan in Vilnius, Lithuania. I’ve made a decision to go on-line with my thinking and writing because I see this process as the inseparable part for continuous personal improvement and self-reinvention. You are welcomed to join me if you’re interested in investing, psychology of investing and in my attempts and experiments to present the valuable content for my readers.
My main interests are:
1. Intelligent (value) investing – stock picking;
2. Behavioral aspects of investment process;
3. Parenthood;
4. Interest in Psychology and Philosophy as core disciplines for successful journey throughout whole life;
More about me you will find here.
If you like my writings you are encouraged to subscribe to my in-frequent newsletter at the bottom of the page.
Recent books I’ve read and liked, and want to share with you:
The Beginning of Infinity by David Deutsch
The Almanack of Naval Ravikant by Naval Ravikant;
Education of Value Investor by Guy Spier
Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel;
Star Maker by Olaf Stapledon
Music I listen to:
My favorite playlist on Spotify.